[SDS] Changes for Fall Semester

Michael Cahill mcahill at stevens.edu
Mon Aug 19 18:34:25 EDT 2013

Good Evening All!

I hope you all had great summers! To keep you all in the loop, we've been
through some changes over the past week. Our President/Producer/Stage
Manager Lauren Harpst is leaving for the semester due to family reasons. On
the bright side, she definitely will be back for the Spring semester. We
all know she would have done a phenomenal job this semester, and we will
miss her very much. However, all we can do is wish her the best of luck
with what she is dealing with at home, and that she can come back a happy
and healthy President, as we expect her to resume her role.

In her absence, we are hiring a Stage Manager, and the following changes
have been made to the Eboard (they have been approved by the SGA Cabinet
and are pending the approval of the Dramatic Society):

President/Producer: Michael F. Cahill
Vice President: Trevor Batchelder
Senior MAL: Brandon Griffin

We will be holding our first GBM in EAS 222 on Wednesday, September 4th @
9PM, and we look forward to hearing back from all of you. If you have
questions regarding logistics, please do not hesitate to ask at the
meeting. We can only hope for your approval in these changes, as we are
trying our best to make these changes as seamlessly as possible.
Regardless, our advisors and Lauren have complete faith in us, and we hope
you agree.

Thank you very much!

*TLDR; Lauren's gone. Michael's president. Trevor's VP. Brandon's Senior
MAL. Stage Manager is getting hired. Meeting in EAS222 @9PM. It's going to
be a great semester.*

*Michael F. Cahill*
Stevens Institute of Technology Co-op '15
Chemical Engineering Major
President, Stevens Dramatic Society
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