[SDS] Cast Partayyy!!!!

Rachel Watson rwatson1 at stevens.edu
Tue Mar 5 11:53:20 EST 2013

Fellow Thespians!

Urinetown is upon us, so that means party!! The Official SDS Cast Party
will be April 12th after the 8pm showing, location TBD. All are welcomed
and invited.

What will be at the cast party, you ask? All of your friends, good times,
and FOOD! Please fill out the ducksync poll (
https://orgsync.com/45833/polls/18545) so we can "cater" to your food
wishes (get it?)

The cast party will be $10 for Participating Members, and $15 for Alumni,
Friends, and Non-Participating Members. Please pay at the door. What's a
Participating member, you ask? Good question! A participating member is
anyone who has spent at least 10 hours on the show. This includes actors,
designers, crew, pit, and anyone else who wants to help out.

**NOTE: One hour MUST include Promoting the Show, i.e participating in
"AD"venture Time or Table Sitting. Also, if you sell $25 worth of ads, you
either get into the cast party for free, or you get a free Tshirt (your
choice). If you sell $50 worth of ads, you get into the cast party for free
AND you get a free Tshirt.

Questions?? Check the SHOWPACKET (attached) or email sds at stevens.edu.



Rachel Watson
Stevens Institute of Technology
Environmental Engineering 2/5
Chi Epsilon - Civil Engineering Honor Society
Stevens Dramatic Society, MAL 2012-2013
rwatson1 at stevens.edu / rachwats1 at gmail.com <Rachwats1 at gmail.com>
(609) 457-3953
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