[SDS] Free Pizza and an Acting Opportunity

DeVon C. Lineman dlineman at stevens.edu
Mon Jan 13 12:32:17 EST 2014

Hello everyone,

Are you all excited for the start of the semester?  I sure am.  Anyways,
here's some stuff for you to enjoy.

Free Pizza

Pizza Republic is offering a chance for 18 students to get free pizza
TONIGHT from 6-6:30.  Stop by tonight for the grubs.

Honor Board Video Auditions

Also, there are auditions for a video being filmed by the Honor Board:

TIme: 1/20 at 10:00. 


Location: SITTV room (red door behind Humphrey's Hall).


Roles: 2 Lead Male, 2 Lead Female, 1 professor aged person, 12 extras


Contact: Nathaniel Goldfarb


ngoldfar at stevens.edu



Description: An introduction to what the honor board is and how it plays a
role in a normal day at Stevens. The lead roles will take us through campus
and  give brief description of the honor board by talking directly at the
audience and interacting with fellow students. This video is intended to be
shown to incoming freshman.



DeVon C. Lineman
M.S. Mathematics '14
Sigma Phi Epsilon Fraternity
Stevens Dramatic Society - Vice President
The Gear and Triangle Society - President
Stevens Actuarial Society - President
Quackapella - Co-Founder
Student Government Association - Senior Senator

Phone:  (347) 677-3086


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