[SDS] Rocky, Load-In, Ad Day!!!

Ian Diguilio idiguili at stevens.edu
Fri Oct 30 17:01:30 EDT 2015

Hello everyone!

If you weren't able to get out and see the Rocky Horror Picture Show last
night, you still have two more chances: tonight and tomorrow at 9:30pm in
K228!  Come on out and show your support.  The Shadowcast crew have put
lots of work into a great show!

Also, it's that time of the semester!  *Load in for Arcadia will be taking
place tomorrow, 10/31 starting at 11:00am at Debaun Auditorium*.  Breakfast
will be provided!  Feel free to come by and help out!  Due to some very
productive crew calls, the majority of the set has already been built!  The
major tasks of tomorrow's load in will mostly be setting up and creating
props, and perhaps some painting!  Though most construction is done, we
still need help!  If you are available, please come out!!!!

Lastly, there is an additional ad day this Sunday, 11/01, from 12pm to
4pm!  The plan is to split up into two teams!  One will take north Hoboken
and the other takes south.  Remember, if you help sell $25 worth of ads you
get a free shirt!  We will meet outside of Jacobus!  Hope to see you then!

That's all folks!  Stay tuned for the sign up form for our Show Trip!


*Ian DiGuilio*
Chemical Engineering '18
Stevens Scholar
Vice President, Stevens Dramatic Society, 2015-2016
Brother, Alpha Phi Omega, Theta Alpha
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