[SDS] Introducing SLACK (and other important announcements)

Natalie Barillaro nbarilla at stevens.edu
Thu Feb 4 13:02:57 EST 2016

If you don't get enough of us from emails and Facebook posts, do I have
some good news for you:
We're adding *Slack *as another means of communication for the club.

*What is Slack?*
Slack is a messaging system that allows for multiple-channel communication.
It's like GroupMe on performance enhancers, and we love it.

*Why are we using it?*
We want to keep all communication in one place. The Eboard and Proboard are
transitioning their communication over to Slack this week. Also, you can
follow only the communication that is important to you! We have message
boards (they're known as Channels on Slack) for publicity and crew calls
now. If you're interested in either of those things, you can totally join

*Do I have to?*
Nope. Whether or not you sign up for Slack, you'll still be deleting emails
from me without reading them once or twice a week. But smaller crew calls
may only be announced to interested parties (i.e. the crew-call channel on
slack). Additionally, we will end up doing future show brainstorm work here
as well. AND Slack is fun. So do it!!

*How do I get started?*
You can download a Slack application for your computer or mobile device and
enter *sds1910* as the name of your team.
Or, you can use your web browser of choice to navigate to sds1910.slack.com

*Who's invited to Slack?*
Ideally, we want everyone involved with SDS to sign up! As long as you have
a Stevens email address, you're good to go.
(If you don't have one of those, why are you still on this list? Shoot me
an email and I'll send you an invite)

*I still don't get it!*
That's fine. We'll be going over Slack at our next* General Body Meeting*,
which will be happening on Wednesday, February 17 (location pending).

So, get on Slack! Set a cool picture and awesome title for yourself.
Team-building! Yay!!!

Finally, if you're graduating soon and you think you get a graduation cord,
please PLEASE email me if you haven't already.


Natalie Barillaro
Stevens Institute of Technology Co-op '17
Computer Science Major
Vice President, Stevens Dramatic Society Spring 2016
Arts and Music Subcommittee Head, 2016
Stevens Student Ambassador, Tour Guide
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