[SDS] Fwd: Minutes, Forms and Drives, Oh My!

Julia Cahn jcahn at stevens.edu
Sat May 13 13:48:27 EDT 2017

Hey everyone!

Below are some important and exciting things for you to look at:

Minutes from Society Day
Look through the minutes for our discussion on the* Summer and Fall shows*,
including our goals for the upcoming semester, as well as a bunch of
suggestions for the shows themselves!

Society Day Slideshow
Look through here for information we covered at the meeting including
the *Acting
Workshop, Minor Board, and more!*

Doodle <https://doodle.com/poll/zi5f55n8ssq8gsv9>
Please fill this out if you're interested in* dance classes* over the
Summer! The doodle is for the first week in June, but please fill it out
with your *average weekly availability. *And let us know what types of
dance you'd like to try!

Feedback Form
This form will be open *24/7* and is made specifically for you! Use it to
ask any questions, raise concerns, or make suggestions! Submissions are
sent straight to Eboard, so we will do our best to address anything you
send our way as soon as we can.

Public Drive <https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BymGYY2IUMDyZTRXTnZBX2FkWlU>
And just as a reminder, we now have a public drive for you all to access!

If you're interested in serving on* Minor Board*,* please let us know*!
Some examples of possible positions are listed in the slideshow/minutes.
We'd love for you all to be involved!

Looking forward to serving you all in this coming year,

*Julia Cahn*

Stevens Institute of Technology
Engineering Management 2019
Retail Systems IT Co-Op | Movado Group, Inc.
Stevens Dramatic Society | Vice President
Theta Phi Alpha- Gamma Chi | Sister
(845) 642-4532
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