[SDS] Nothing's as Amazing as a Musical

Julia Cahn jcahn at stevens.edu
Thu Nov 30 13:46:30 EST 2017

Happy Thursday, everyone!

First off, I wanted to thank everyone for their patience last night. It was
very productive and we couldn't have done it without each of you.
We voted on a bunch of new changes, including our next Junior
Member-at-Large! Please welcome *Emily Weeks* to our Eboard!

Now we need just a little more help from you guys for deciding the
direction of SDS for next semester...

is the form for deciding our next musical!
Please select your favorite options, and please feel free to tell us your
specific thoughts on these options. It makes a big difference for Eboard
and helps us understand which aspects of each show you like!

is now open!
also open!

Please fill out the form if you would like to be considered for Head
Designer or assistant to a designer (to be selected at a later time).

Additionally, help us decide what events to hold next semester using this

For your convenience, you can find the Society Day slides below:
 Fall 2017 SOCIETY DAY
Thanks for all the help! We're very excited for next semester and hope you
are, too!

Much love,

*Julia Cahn*

Stevens Institute of Technology
Engineering Management 2019
Stevens Dramatic Society | Vice President
Theta Phi Alpha- Gamma Chi | Sister
(845) 642-4532
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