Derek van Rouendal dvanroue at stevens.edu
Mon Mar 11 11:07:55 EDT 2019

Hello everyone!

This is just a quick reminder that AD DAY is THIS WEDNESDAY (3/13) at
**We will be leaving DeBaun AT 3 so get there a little early!**

*Anyone and everyone who comes to ad-day will get a $2 discount on any SDS
merchandise this semester! (Show Shirt, SDS Logo Tee, Raffle Ticket)*

We will split up into 2-4 groups of 2-3 people and some of us will go up
Washington while some of us will go down. I will also try to compile a list
of places off Washington so we can attempt to expand our reach.

I am expecting people to show up because it is during the academic break!!!

Happy Midterms!

*Derek van Rouendal*

Stevens Institute of Technology
Electrical Engineering 2020/21
Stevens Dramatic Society | Publicity Manager
(347) 924-4901
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