[SDS] Fall Semester Information!

Charles S Beall cbeall at stevens.edu
Mon Aug 24 10:59:10 EDT 2020

Yet again, hello everyone!

With the first day of classes fast approaching, the Eboard and I would like to fill you in on the first few events we'll be having this fall!

To kick things off, there is the annual Flock Party, which this year will be virtual, on Sunday, August 30th, 1-3pm. While this event is mainly for new students to learn about the different clubs at Stevens, it's always nice to have some different members of the Society besides just the Eboard. So we'd be happy to see you there if you can make it! (But if not, no worries of course!) The Zoom link for our our Flock Party "table" is https://stevens.zoom.us/j/97124693385. Alternatively, you can visit our Ducklink page<https://stevens.campuslabs.com/engage/actioncenter/organization/stevens-dramatic-society> on the day of; the link should be available there as well.

After that, it's GBM time! Our 1st Fall GBM will take place Wednesday, September 2nd, at 9pm. Note that, because we're not having a Summer Show, we've moved the GBM up to the first week of classes, rather than having it in the second week like in past years. As it approaches, I'll send out an email particular to this meeting with a Zoom link to join. We hope to see lots of new and familiar faces there!

We also have a workshop planned for the first month of school! This will be an Audition Prep Workshop, on Saturday, September 19th, 12-3pm. Hosted by our good friends and Addams Family professionals Daniella Caggiano and Christopher Howatt, the workshop will begin with general guidelines on how to best prepare for the exciting yet dreaded audition; a chance for participants to give their own audition of a song from a musical, with feedback from Daniella and Chris; and a Q&A session to wrap things up. We'd like to format this workshop as if you're actually auditioning for a musical: in addition to preparing a song, participants will be given sides/monologues from a particular musical to read. We'd like you to choose what musical that will be! So, if you are interested in this workshop, please fill out this preliminary form<https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeoXRTS7HiohtvmdaNLKWLWVYA17uRfeQuh9WfhykNHtB9q1A/viewform?usp=sf_link> with choices on musicals for which you'd want to have a mock audition. (**Note: This form is NOT the official sign-up form for the workshop, nor does it have anything to do with picking a show for SDS to do in future semesters.) Again, closer to the date, I'll send out more specific information on this, along with another form to sign up for the workshop.

Ah, so many exciting things already in store, and we'll have even more to discuss at the GBM, which is only a week and a half away! Looking forward to seeing you all soon, as well as welcoming some new Stevens students to the SDS family! Until then, enjoy the rest of your summer, and hope the start of classes next week goes well.

All the best,

Charles Beall
Stevens Institute of Technology
B.S. Physics '23
Stevens Dramatic Society - Vice President
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