[SDS] A Midsummer Night's GBM

Charles S Beall cbeall at stevens.edu
Tue Jul 14 21:12:09 EDT 2020

​Hey everyone, hope your summer is going all right!

We the Eboard would like to have a midsummer meeting with you all to discuss some plans for the Fall. Particularly, we'd like to hear any ideas you have for what to do once we get back on campus. This applies to all members, both cast and crew, so if you have an idea for SDS you want to share, we hope to see you there! To make things as convenient as possible, I'm sending out a Doodle for when to hold the meeting, which we'd like to have at some point this week. You can access the Doodle here<https://doodle.com/poll/ewy2tevn8upen65y>.

Again, we hope to see lots of you there and to hear some specific ideas for the Fall! If you can't make it but still have some ideas or thoughts you'd like to share, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at SDS at stevens.edu.

Hope to see you all soon! I'll probably be in touch again to announce when the meeting will be, and also with some more news on the Open-Mic Night (so thank you in advance for your patience in reading through all my emails!)

Until then all the best,

Charles Beall
Stevens Institute of Technology
B.S. Physics '23
Stevens Dramatic Society - Vice President
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