[SDS] Virtual Cabaret Info

Charles S Beall cbeall at stevens.edu
Mon Jun 1 11:55:51 EDT 2020

Hello everyone, and happy June! (When I wrote this, I said to myself "it's June already?" - apparently it is)

I am excited to announce the Eboard's plan to host a Virtual Cabaret at the end of this month! With the wonders of livestreaming, we hope to get everyone together and perform a little while the virus continues to upend the status quo. The theme of this Cabaret will be A Tribute to Broadway. We want to support our friends and idols at the Great White Way, as they obviously can't perform in the usual way. In tandem with the Cabaret will be a fundraiser for The Actors Fund - if you'd like to learn more about this organization, you can check out their website here<https://nam02.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Factorsfund.org%2F&data=02%7C01%7Ccbeall%40stevens.edu%7C59563b295054496fdf1708d8063e6b49%7C8d1a69ec03b54345ae21dad112f5fb4f%7C0%7C0%7C637266212448850881&sdata=%2FzqKw6RYXsxypG267Jvyi4M8gH0Hv%2BLm0GkBUxqvmz0%3D&reserved=0>.

If you'd like to perform in this Cabaret, here<https://nam02.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fdocs.google.com%2Fforms%2Fd%2Fe%2F1FAIpQLSfJxi52_WMWHYM6B7cgR6dYjo-KrreMgxPOfAuusPU_RiuLzw%2Fviewform%3Fusp%3Dsf_link&data=02%7C01%7Ccbeall%40stevens.edu%7C59563b295054496fdf1708d8063e6b49%7C8d1a69ec03b54345ae21dad112f5fb4f%7C0%7C0%7C637266212448850881&sdata=nFgMujP0Xrt30tIq9vN3b2LaRNjIBySbqcFgo91LJ%2BY%3D&reserved=0> is the form to sign up! In keeping with our theme, we'd like you to pick songs from shows that would currently be running on Broadway if it weren't for COVID. If you're unsure of which shows these are, you can check out this link<https://nam02.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.playbill.com%2Farticle%2Fwhats-currently-playing-on-broadway-com-321997&data=02%7C01%7Ccbeall%40stevens.edu%7C59563b295054496fdf1708d8063e6b49%7C8d1a69ec03b54345ae21dad112f5fb4f%7C0%7C0%7C637266212448860838&sdata=yVGr4TQRoh4nCAJea5vZuHQpyWUL4Idejj0kOW3MVy4%3D&reserved=0>. Unlike in the past, we aren't setting a firm limit on how many performances there will be. This is because we want to showcase everyone who wants to perform, and since it is virtual, we have more freedom in how long the event goes. Speaking of time, we would like to have this Cabaret between June 19 and June 28. Within the sign-up (linked above) is the link to a Doodle so we can figure out when to best hold the Cabaret, along with a rehearsal so that everyone involved can get a feel for how things will work online. The deadline to sign up is Sunday, June 14th.

Since this will be our first Virtual Performance event, we probably won't be exactly sure how everything will turn out until we actually do it. However, the Eboard and I are already working very hard on getting this together, and if it goes well, we hope to host further Virtual Cabarets about once a month, and get more people involved as we go along. But we'll cross that bridge when we get to it.

I know this is a lot of new information, so please do not hesitate to reach out to us if you have any questions! As you probably know, the Eboard's email is SDS at stevens.edu. You can also contact me personally at cbeall at stevens.edu.

Before I go, I'd like to reiterate my and the Eboard's excitement for this new endeavor. We think that, with the helpfulness, enthusiasm, and talent that characterize all of you in SDS, our Virtual Cabaret will be a lot of fun!

All the best,

Charles Beall
Stevens Institute of Technology
B.S. Physics '23
Stevens Dramatic Society - Vice President
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