[SDS] GBM 2 Slides & Minutes + Some Preliminary Info on JMAL Nominations & Elections

Charles S Beall cbeall at stevens.edu
Thu Oct 8 10:17:28 EDT 2020

Hey everyone!

Thank you all for coming to SDS's GBM 2 and sharing your ideas for the future of the Society! The Eboard and I really enjoyed seeing all of you and hearing your input. For those who didn't attend, you can access the GBM slides<https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1xO6ni6bjOR4SvFZH18WYfVbXjQY-mvO-GxgjdK6GuHc/edit?usp=sharing> and minutes<https://docs.google.com/document/d/1jZkr4QO6wZG18OT1vMJp5a75apVkEGzm1ipFha7U0BI/edit?usp=sharing> by clicking on those links.

I will send out more reminders on this, but our next GBM will be Wednesday, November 4th at 9pm. At this meeting, we will also be opening our nominations for a new Junior Member-at-Large (JMAL)! You can look at the Constitution & Bylaws in the SDS Drive<https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0BymGYY2IUMDyZTRXTnZBX2FkWlU?usp=sharing> for more information about the elections process and the duties of the MALs.

The Eboard and I would like to stress the requirements to run for JMAL. To be eligible to run for any position on the SDS Executive Board, a student must be an SDS voting member. This means that they must have attended two (2) of the past four (4) GBMs, and must have participated/be participating in one (1) of the last three (3) main-stage productions. The Constitution defines participation in a production as having contributed at least ten (10) hours to help with any aspect of the production (rehearsals, crew calls, production meetings & events, and publicity events).

My apologies for getting a little technical, but since this continues to be a very unusual semester, the Eboard and I wanted to make clear these requirements. Also, I will be sending out a list of voting members before the nomination period to be even more concrete about who is eligible. But as always, if you have any questions, thoughts, or concerns, you can email us at SDS at stevens.edu<mailto:SDS at stevens.edu> ​or me personally at cbeall at stevens.edu<mailto:cbeall at stevens.edu>. Another great option is our general Slack channel<https://sds1910.slack.com/archives/C0KM4LV3R>, where everyone can see your questions and our answers to them.

Thank you again everyone, and all the best!

Charles Beall

Stevens Institute of Technology

B.S. Physics '23

Stevens Dramatic Society - Vice President
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