[SDS] TRIFLES - "Auditions"

Charles S Beall cbeall at stevens.edu
Sun Sep 13 20:38:38 EDT 2020

Hello everyone! Hope you are having a good end to the weekend.

At GBM #1 last Wednesday, I talked a little about a virtual reading of the one-act play Trifles by Susan Glaspell, that I will be leading this semester! Now that the Eboard and I have a better idea of how the project will look, I wanted to spread the word about "auditions" for this project!

I use quotations because these "auditions" will really just be a conversation about what character you would like to portray, and some more logistics about the project. If you are interested in being a part of this reading, here is a Doodle link<https://doodle.com/poll/n8g44wvftke9n322> to sign up for an audition! The Doodle has 20-minute slots in the 5-7pm window every weekday this week (with the exception of Wednesday). If these times don't work for you, or if you'd like more information on the project before you sign up, please email me and we can talk more! Coming into the audition, all I ask that you've read the script, which you can do online here<http://www.gutenberg.org/files/10623/10623-h/10623-h.htm#TRIFLES>, and have a general idea of which character you'd like to play (if you can't narrow it down to one character that's all good!). As a note, there are three male characters and two female characters.

If you have any questions, thoughts, or concerns, please feel free to email me at cbeall at stevens.edu. I'm really looking forward to getting this project started, and I hope you are as well!

All the best,

Charles Beall

Stevens Institute of Technology

B.S. Physics '23

Stevens Dramatic Society - Vice President
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