[SDS] GBM 3 Slides & Minutes, Pre-show/Intermission Art Form

Charles S Beall cbeall at stevens.edu
Fri Apr 9 09:03:22 EDT 2021

Hello SDS!

My apologies for the slight delay, but thank you to all who joined us on Wednesday for GBM 3! In case you missed it, here are the slides<https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/11xJh8LTRflUvCBwtmZL0JHMSc-5sYNyygy9Z_rupuF8/edit?usp=sharing> and minutes<https://docs.google.com/document/d/17wDK1S4Fc7yZdhtlCd1lZOv0LJmB8-gDhjKMwW3ULdA/edit?usp=sharing>. Regarding Eboard nominations, the nomination period will remain open until the beginning of our Elections meeting on Wednesday, May 5th at 9pm, so if you would like to run for an Eboard position or nominate someone any time until then, reach out to us at SDS at stevens.edu<mailto:sds at stevens.edu> and let us know!

Also, as a little addendum to the meeting, I'm excited to share this sign-up form<https://forms.gle/oPn2qTyDmqDuvBBU8> for pre-show and intermission art during our premiere of Godspell! We'd like to showcase art made by Stevens students before the show begins and during intermission, so if there is some music, dancing, painting/drawing, poetry, animation, or any other art form that you have made and would like to share, please fill out this form by the end of the day on Tuesday, April 20th. Additionally, if there is anyone you know who's a current Stevens student or alum and who you think would be interested, you're more than welcome to share the form link around! If you have any questions, you can contact Godspell's Production Manager Gab Poska at gposka at stevens.edu<mailto:gposka at stevens.edu>.

All the best,

Charles Beall

Stevens Institute of Technology

B.S. Physics & Mathematics '23

Stevens Dramatic Society - Vice President
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