[SDS] Godspell Cast List

Cameron Clifford ccliffor at stevens.edu
Sat Feb 6 17:47:05 EST 2021

Hi Everyone!

I am proud to announce the cast list for SDS's virtual spring musical, Godspell!


Jesus - Nicolas Re

Jay - Corey Batchelder

Jeffrey/L. Ron Hubbard - Derek van Rouendal

Lamar/Galileo - Garrett Horwath

Herb/Jean Paul Sartre - Charles Beall

Robin/Socrates - Kiera Kennedy

Peggy/Jonathan Edwards - Jennifer Searing

Joanne/Thomas Aquinas - Carissa Greene

Sonia/da Vinci - Isabella Cruz

Gilmer/Marianne Williamson - Elizabeth Bottoni

Congratulations to the cast!

Thank you to everyone who came to auditions! Again, if anyone is interested in getting involved in any other way please be sure to fill out the production board form<https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfw-jdSTdh5Mm-3JnfVlt62U2bR9k63V_merilm4uwCGwHGTA/viewform> (deadline tomorrow!) if you haven't already, or contact our Production Manager, Gab Poska, at gposka at stevens.edu<mailto:gposka at stevens.edu> if you have any questions. Additionally, be sure to keep an eye out for our upcoming events, such as Gaming and Showtunes on Friday, February 19th at 7:30 pm on discord<https://discord.gg/qyZTfYT>!

Please don't hesitate to reach out to me at ccliffor at stevens.edu<mailto:ccliffor at stevens.edu> or sds at stevens.edu<mailto:sds at stevens.edu> if you have any questions at all!

Cameron Clifford
Stevens Institute of Technology
B.E. Biomedical Engineering 3/4
Stevens Dramatic Society | President

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