[SDS] Crew Signups Reminder!!!

Charles Beall cbeall at stevens.edu
Wed Oct 20 00:12:00 EDT 2021

Hello everyone!

As of Thursday, we will be only three weeks away from opening night of She Kills Monsters! We're all really excited for the opportunity to perform in person again, but we will definitely be putting in lots of hard work over the next few weeks to get things performance-ready.

That being said, I wanted to send a reminder about our running crew<https://forms.gle/HEcXQN6HBQ94EmXv6> and general crew<https://forms.gle/4gi8nDHotJkiBLB58> sign-ups. Please fill these out if you are interested in helping out in any capacity! Also, if you haven't already, join the crew-call channel<https://sds1910.slack.com/archives/C0LA03J90> in Slack for announcements on crew calls (which will be happening very very soon!). And last but not least, if you would like to usher or help out in the house during performances, you can fill out this form<https://forms.gle/VvwhX8Nk5DyE7oNB6>.

Thank you, and if you have any questions, you can reach out to me at cbeall at stevens.edu<mailto:cbeall at stevens.edu> or Eboard at SDS at stevens.edu<mailto:sds at stevens.edu>.

All the best,

Charles Beall

Stevens Institute of Technology

B.S. Physics & Mathematics '23

Stevens Dramatic Society | President

Student Government Association | Budget Co-Chair | Senator

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