[SDS] GBM 2 and Open EBoard Positions

Hannah Preszler hpreszle at stevens.edu
Sat Sep 23 11:59:07 EDT 2023

Hello Everyone!

I want to give some brief updates on the Eboard's positions and our upcoming GBM!

Eboard Position Updates
As you may know, we have been without a Business Manager/ Treasurer for a little while now, but we have finally filled that role! I have now taken on the role of BM, but that means that the role of Vice President is now open to the society. As we continue this search, I will act as a stand-in for its responsibilities such as sending out update emails to keep everyone in touch! If you are interested in being Vice President or want to learn more about the role's responsibilities, please reach out to me or sds at stevens.edu.

As the Fall Play comes into full swing we are also looking for a Show Publicity Manager! The Publicity Manager gets to work with the lovely Sofia Lopez to craft our advertisements and social media presence for Radium Girls!

If you are interested in either of these roles, please email SDS at stevens.edu as soon as possible!

Our next GBM is on October 4th in EAS 330 at 9 pm! As it is a GBM, it is open to all to attend! It will be our Society Day discussion where we discuss final ways to get involved in Radium Girls, our fall play, and take suggestions for the Spring Musical. If you are interested in the musical, please come to this meeting so we can get accurate input and suggestions!

Thanks for reading!
Let us know if you have any questions!

Hannah Preszler
Stevens Institute of Technology
Accounting and Analytics '25
Business Manager/ Treasurer of SDS | Co-Costume Director of Radium Girls
Student Tutor at AHSA
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