[SGA Announcement] ELECTIONS

Mary Kelly mkelly1 at stevens.edu
Fri Feb 16 00:42:45 EST 2007

Hello Stevens RSOs!
  I wanted to remind you all that unified elections are fast 
approaching.  February 20th through March 5th is the time frame for this 
year's election season.  Please submit your E-Board updates within this 
  I look forward to working with you all as the new Chair of the 
Committee of Student Interests.  I take that title seriously, and really 
am here for /your /interests.  Please feel free to come to me with 
anything, and I'll do all I can work with and for you.  I will keep you 
updated on all the changes the SGA will be making as the new cabinet 
establishes their plans for this year.
Thank you and I am eager to meet and work with all of you,
Mary Kelly

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