[SGA Announcement] CPK Ticket Sales

Samantha Blackbourn sblackbo at stevens.edu
Mon Mar 24 13:27:40 EDT 2008



I hope everyone has had a great spring break! I just wanted to remind you
that Delta Phi Epsilon is selling tickets for our annual Castle Point King
philanthropy event.  This year's theme is "Pop Rocks" and the event will
take place this Friday March 28, 2008 at 8pm.  Tickets are $7 in advance, $8
at the door and $6 group rate- 10 or more people.  All proceeds will go to
the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation.  If your organization is interested in
purchasing tickets at a group rate, please let me know how many tickets you
would like. Feel free to email me at sblackbo at stevens.edu if you have any
additional questions, or would like to purchase tickets.


Thank you,

Samantha Blackbourn




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