[SGDC] Learn Jam 2023

Nicco Carleton ncarleto at stevens.edu
Fri Sep 15 16:51:33 EDT 2023

Folks, it's almost time for LEARN JAM 2023, our first major event of the year! Still using Scratch? Operating on OpenProcessing? More of a "conceptual" game designer? Realizing the development platform you've been using for years has made a series of bad decisions leading to an uncertain future and distrust of the engine entirely? WE GOT YOU COVERED! This five-hour workshopathon will teach you how to use the professional engines and tools, no experience necessary. Bring your computer and your mind over to Babbio 122 this Saturday (9/16), and let us take your electronic endeavors to the next level!

12-1: Godot 2D
1-2: Unity
2-3: Game Planning
3-4:  Godot 3D
4-5: Github
Food will be served around 2, no need to pack a lunch!

If you know which workshops you'd like to show up for, make sure to download their required engines beforehand. Below are the links to the Godot and Unity installation pages. For Godot, you can download either the default or .NET version, but the default is heavily preferred - it's updated faster, and we'll be using GDScript during the event. For Unity, make sure to get the "Personal" version, not the "Student".

https://godotengine.org/download (Godot)
https://unity.com/pricing#plans-student-and-hobbyist (Unity)

You can also download Gihub Desktop here<https://desktop.github.com/>, but it's not required. Just make sure you have a Github account and you'll be set.

And a note to all my Unity users out there: even if you have some experience with development, I highly recommend showing up to this Learn Jam in particular. As I'm sure many of you are aware, Unity's been making some... pretty shady decisions<https://dotesports.com/business/news/unitys-controversial-business-decision-comes-mere-days-after-ceo-sells-2000-shares> lately. As you can imagine, with the engine's future now uncertain, keeping Unity as our go-to engine like before isn't very enticing. Instead, we as a club have begun transitioning to Godot as our engine of choice. Godot is open-source, beginner-friendly, uses a language similar to Python, and is completely free - no need to be afraid. I know I have a few Unity projects I don't want to continue on that platform, and if you're in a similar spot, come on down and we'll give you a head start!

Nicco Carleton - SGDC Secretary
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