Nicco Carleton ncarleto at stevens.edu
Mon Feb 5 15:37:41 EST 2024

Jak leci, SGDC? W tym tygodniu będziemy uczyć się o języku polskim. Szczerze mówiąc, nie wiem, jak to się ma do tworzenia gier, ale jestem tylko posłańcem. Kilka studiów gier, takich jak CD Projekt, ma swoje siedziby w Polsce, więc jeśli chcesz dostać się do któregokolwiek z nich, nauka tego języka z pewnością [wstaw żart o Cyberpunk 2077]! Tak więc, wiesz co robić-

... oh... Nick said we were going to talk about "POLISH" this week. I thought he meant the language, but looking at the schedule, I realized we're talking about game polish. That... makes a lot more sense. Well, every game needs a squeaky-clean finish, no matter what language it's in! Game polish is often overlooked when developing, but it's key in making your games stand out and look finished. If you want your personal projects to promote that professional polish, come on down to Babbio 122 this Tuesday (2/6) at 9 PM, and bring your own particle system!

Nicco Carleton - SGDC Secretary
(Forgive me, Slavic Student Association...)
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