[SWE] Spring 2012!

Samantha Music smusic20 at gmail.com
Thu Jan 12 10:17:47 EST 2012

Hey all!

Happy 2012!

So it's about that time again to start up another semester. We want to try
to accommodate as many girls as possible again for our General Body
meetings. Please take the SURVEY <http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/9BVHFW8> so
that we can do this as easily as possible!

In addition, many of you know that we would like to have a
banquet/reception type thing for SWE (and possibly other professional
societies). I did some research and it many be possible that we can get a
reception hall or something of the sort where we can have a formal dinner,
do awards, and have dancing and more SWE bonding. It would sort of be a SWE
formal, and here we will announce the next year's Executive board! We can
have dates and all that jazz! The only thing with this option is everyone
will have to pay a way. I haven't dont a lot of research yet but it looks
to be a base range of 30-50 per person. Please take the SECOND
SURVEY<http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/9HBKDQM> so
we can get an idea of the amount of girls who would be interested. In the
comment box please write any comments or advice anyone has, it's all

Thanks everyone! and Start looking out for more emails now that the
semester will be starting!
Good luck to everyone and enjoy the last bit of your break!! :D

*Samantha Music*
Biomedical Engineering
Vice President Society of Women Engineers
President Women's Volleyball Club
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