[SWE] K-12 Outreach opportunities

tvarjabe tvarjabe at stevens.edu
Wed Feb 26 15:23:27 EST 2014


This is a reminder to please let me know by this Friday (February 28) if 
you would like to help out at either or both of the following events:

1) On Friday March 7, there is an on campus recruitment day for female 
high school juniors, called "Women in Science and Engineering Day."  SWE 
has been asked to be available as guides or as needed throughout the 
day.  We are looking to have at least 6 SWE volunteers for the time 
slots of 9 - 1:15 OR
Noon to 3:30pm.  Lunch will be provided to all who assist.

2) Also on Friday March 7, we will be going to a group of girl scouts in 
Hoboken to do an engineering activity with them (water testing).  We are 
looking to have at least 6 volunteers.  There are two groups: Juniors 
(9-10 yrs old; 18 girls) meet from 3:30 to 4:30pm and Daisies (6-7 yrs 
old; 26 girls) meet from 4:30 to 5:30pm.

Your help is much needed and will be greatly appreciated!

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.


Talar Varjabedyan
SWE K-12 Outreach Committee Chair

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