[SWE] SWE Region E conference: OPEN SPOTS

Aleksandra Petelski apetelsk at stevens.edu
Wed Jan 28 13:19:50 EST 2015

Hey everyone,

We still have open spots available for the *SWE Region E conference*
(taking place in Philadelphia, PA during Feb 20-22)!

SGA will cover the full amount of registration for SWE National members. If
you are not a SWE National member, please contact me separately; you will
need to pay an extra fee. Registration will be done for you, since we will
be paying with the SWE P-card. You will need to *fill out this form*
Info Form <http://goo.gl/forms/0jmUQnrJK9>) by *Feb 4th*.

What will this SGA coverage include? A hotel room for the two nights (20th,
21st), conference registration, hors d'oeuvres on Friday, all meals on
Saturday, and breakfast on Sunday. You will have three other room-mates;
you can request room-mates on the above form. SGA will *not* cover
transportation; you are responsible for it. When we are closer to the date,
we can make arrangements to travel in a group, if that is of interest.

As an FYI: You have until *Feb 5th* to withdraw from the conference. After
that date, you will pay a cancellation fee (full cost of registration).

Looking forward to the conference!

*Aleksandra A. Petelski*
*Stevens Institute of Technology '16*
Biomedical Engineering B.E.
Stevens SWE President
apetelsk at stevens.edu
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