[Themaintainers] Workshop Program - Maintaining Artifacts: Time Technology & Human Practice (University of Vienna: October 24th & 25th)

mark young youngm54001 at gmail.com
Wed Oct 18 07:47:43 EDT 2023

Dear All,

We’d like to share the program for our upcoming workshop on Maintenance and
Philosophy of Technology which will be held at the University of Vienna
next week (October 24th-25th). A limited number of spaces will be available
for attendees - if you would like to register, please send me an email at
mark at markthomasyoung.net

Mark Thomas Young
Postdoctoral Researcher
University of Vienna

*Maintaining Artifacts: Technology, Time and Human Practice*
University of Vienna - NIG Building Room 3a
October 24th-25th 2023

*Day One: 24th October*

09:00-09:30 Mark Thomas Young (University of Vienna) - *Introduction: A
Brief History of Maintenance and Repair Studies*
09:30-10:00 Alexandra Karakas (Budapest University of Technology and
Economics) - *The maintenance and malfunction of the Hubble Space
Telescope. An STS analysis*
10:00-10:30 Chris Hesselbein (Politecnico di Milano) - *Pseudotechnology:
Examining the Socio-material Negotiation of Irreparably Dysfunctional

11:00-11:30 Joost Mollen (Delft University of Technology) -  *Controlled
Generative Experimentation to Control Technologies through Time*
11:30-12:00 Diego Lawler (University of Salamanca) & Jesús Vega-Encabo
(Universidad Autonóma de Madrid) - *Maintenance and the Identity of
12:00-12:30 Joel White (New Centre for Research and Practice) *Thermodynamics
of Maintenance: What is Entropic Displacement?*

14:00-14:30 Dennis Gedge (independent) - *Maintenance and Civil Engineering*
14:30-15:00 Matthew Wragg (The University of Edinburgh) *The Epistemic
Maintenance of Agrément Certificates*

15:30-16:00 Andrea Gammon (Delft University of Technology) -  *Forests as
Sinks: Maintenance and Carbon Sequestration in Planted Forests*
16:00-16:30 Bridget Harvey (independent) - *Tending to: Material and Social
Practices of Care*

*Day One: 24th October*

09:00-09:30 Frederic Gilbert (University of Tasmania) - *Can I borrow your
brain to test my implant? Technological Maintenance of brain-computer
09:30-10:00 Natalia Fernández Jimeno (University of Oviedo) - *How does a
socio-technical system maintain itself? Adaptation and Negotiation in the
case of Assisted Reproductive Technologies*
10:00-10:30 Marilena Pateraki (University of Athens) - *Breakdowns of
intimate infrastructures: Maintaining and Caring for cyborg bodyminds*

11:00-11:30 Erich Prem (University of Vienna) - *Software maintenance,
innovation, and user disempowerment*
11:30-12:00 Mark Theunissen (Delft University of Technology) - *Maintenance
of Cultural Artefacts: Improvisation, Tinkering and Reinvention*
12:00-12:30 Rebecca Mossop (University of Luxemburg) - *A Telephone System
from 1885-1990 in Luxemburg: Declaring maintenance and repair a primary
narrative within large-scale technological infrastructures*

14:00-14:30 Claudia Eckert (The Open University) - *The Lifetime or
Durability of Products*
14:30-15:00 Simon Penny (University of California Irvine) - *Maintenance,
Bricolage and Material Literacy*

15:30-16:00 Lorina Buhr (Utrecht University) - *Disrupting and maintaining
the conditions of life: analysing technologies of ir/reversibility in the
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