[AIChE] New Info and Stuff to Think About

Owen Jappen ojappen at stevens.edu
Mon May 10 15:42:57 EDT 2010

Hello everyone,

I trust that you are all basking in the majesty that is the onset of Finals.
 With that said, here's some AIChE stuff to keep in mind.

Chemical Engineering SHIRTS will be ready at the beginning of next semester!
 Get excited!!!  Sample Pictures are available in the newsletter! (Shirts
will be black with silver writing)

Earlier in the semester we talked about posting used textbooks to a
localized place to re-sell to fellow Chem Es.  So, if you have any text
books you are selling, post them in this Google Doc:

Also remember stevenslist.org to sell to anyone on Stevens Campus.

Be sure to check your email over the summer for a possible joint event with

As always, you can register with National AIChE at aiche.org/scaleup
and our website is always updating at stevens.edu/aiche and see a review of
our events in the attached newsletter!

Thanks to everyone for a great semester!  I look forward to working with
more of you and further elevating activity next semester!

Questions and ideas always welcome!

PS -- Seniors, don't forget to fill out the google doc previously sent to
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