[AIChE] June Dinner at NJIT

Owen Jappen ojappen at stevens.edu
Sat May 29 00:49:54 EDT 2010

Hello Everyone!

Hope you're all enjoying the summer!  On June 15th there will be a dinner
sponsored by National AIChE.  It is free for all undergraduate students
(with student ID) -- all you have to do is tell me you'd be interested in
attending.  As the date approaches we can work out car pools, traveling
together or meeting up somewhere.  A brief description is below, and details
are attached:

 *DINNER MEETING:  Tuesday, June 15, 2010*

* *
“K-12 Outreach: Unique contributions through AIChE and how YOU can get

*Scheduled Speaker:*

* *

*Rodney Dotson - Director of the Institute for High Performance Learning
(HPL) at the City College of New York*

We need engineers to maintain and advance our technological innovation – our
creative edge in facing societal challenges – our economic strength. Join us
at this important meeting, to find out how AIChE is developing its outreach
focus on changing attitudes about science and engineering in our schools and
elsewhere at the K-12 level. Find out how YOU can get involved.

*This meeting is a must for parents of school-aged children and any AIChE
member who wants to play a role in developing a more “science-literate”
society with all of the benefits that will bring. Invite your children’s
science teachers as well, as they will benefit from the information shared
at this meeting.*
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