[AnimeClub] Magic: The Gravioning

Evan Lewis elewis at stevens.edu
Wed Apr 18 13:56:09 EDT 2012

Greetings Fellow Summoners!  Anime Aficionados

                My name is Evan Lewis, your new overlord secretary. I hope
to serve you well. Chris has delegated email writing to me for the rest of
the semester. Anywho, the second showing of Gravion will be this Friday,
April 20thin B-118, as per the usual. This will include the ending to
season one and the beginning of season two, Gravion Zwei. Will the Gravion
be assembled again? How many times can they reuse the same animations? Can
the jiggle physics get even MORE realistic? All this and more will be
answered, if you attend. Also there will be snacks, drinks, merriment and
horrible amazing voice acting. Here’s hoping we see you there.

-Evan Lewis

-The Lady of Luminosity  Secretary
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