[AnimeClub] My Little Gravion: Friendship Is Zwei

Evan Lewis elewis at stevens.edu
Thu Apr 26 03:26:30 EDT 2012

Greetings Fellow Summoners!  Animaniacs

              This is your captain secretary speaking.I regret to inform
you that this Friday April 27th its the last meeting of the semester.
However it will be jam-packed with more action, fantastic voice acting, and
hyper-realistic, 4-D jiggle physics. Also it is taco night! Yes you heard
me taco night! FREE TACOS, if it wasn't clear before. Did I mention tacos?
And to wrap up this semester, we will be going to the Brooklyn Botanical
Gardens for Sakura Mitsuri this Saturday April 28th! Meet outside of
Burchard  at 10AM sharp, its pay your own way for transportation. Otherwise
I hope that this semester of anime was as great for you as it was for me,
but the fun doesn't have to stop there! This summer we will still be
holding meetings to keep your summers animelicious. Meetings will be held
THURSDAYS in B-118. More details to come.

-Evan Lewis

-Grandmaster At Arms Secretary
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