[AnimeClub] Summer Anime Week 9: Valvrave the Liberator Week 2

The Anime Club's Mailing List. E-mail anime@stevens.edu if you are interested or have questions. animeclub at lists.stevens.edu
Thu Jul 14 14:11:27 EDT 2016

Greetings subjects!

And with the start of a new week, the reign of oppressive democracy comes
to an end, and we are left to clean up the ruins of our fallen club. We
must conquer our past sins to pave the way to a better tomorrow.

And so, we Press onward to Week 2 of Valvrave the Liberator. If you thought
that the first week was crazy, just wait for the grand conclusion! If you
need to catch up, you have 30 hours (as of time of this writing) to watch
season 1. No pressure.

Onward to the finale!
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