[AnimeClub] Spring Anime Week 7: Baccano Week 1 (Two Week HERESY)

The Anime Club's Mailing List. E-mail anime@stevens.edu if you are interested or have questions. animeclub at lists.stevens.edu
Thu Mar 2 16:12:38 EST 2017

There is going to be some intense HERESY in anime club (this Friday at 9pm
in B118). We are gathering to watch Baccano.

"Well Commissar James, Baccano is a great show, what's the problem?"

I'll TELL you what the problem is. We are watching a DUB in anime club!
This is HERESY in the highest degree!

"Wait, Commissar James, we have watched dubs in club befo--"


"But, Commissar James, the Baccano dub is actually pretty go--"


And remember, failure to read the bottom text is HERESY in the highest
degree. The fact that you even considered it makes you a HERETIC *BLAM*

Why are you reading this far? Are you doubting that the executive board
gave you all of the information that you needed above? Doubting the
executive board is HERESY *BLAM*.
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