[AnimeClub] Manga Club Wrap-Up | Spring Break Edition

The Anime Club's Mailing List. E-mail anime@stevens.edu if you are interested or have questions. animeclub at lists.stevens.edu
Sun Mar 5 18:31:06 EST 2017

Good evening everybody,

For next manga club meeting there's a rather long break, we *wont* be
meeting this week, nor during spring break, and not the week after either.
The next manga club meeting will be *Wednesday, March 29th, in P207*. This
should give everyone ample time to read any and all of the mangas chosen
for next meeting. Decided by club as usual, we'll be reading

   - Kaguya Wants to Be Confessed To (Romantic Comedy)
   - Vinland Saga (Historical Action Adventure)
   - Twin Star Exorcists (Shonen Action Fantasy)

Additionally we'll continue talking about the various on going series we're
interested in

   - One Piece
   - Bastard
   - Kingdom
   - Hinamatsuri
   - Horimiya

So if you're interested in _any_ of the above series, be sure to read some
before next meeting and come join us for discussion, snacks, and voting on
the next series!

Jake Israel
Anime Club Treasurer
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