[AnimeClub] Spring Anime Week 8: Heresy Week 2: The Heresying

The Anime Club's Mailing List. E-mail anime@stevens.edu if you are interested or have questions. animeclub at lists.stevens.edu
Thu Mar 9 20:16:44 EST 2017

Greetings infidels,

We are watching week two of Baccano in club, this Friday at 9PM in B118. We
watched the first 8 episodes of the du--


Alright MAGGOTS here's the deal! Open Operations Committee nominations are
open, and this is of utmost urgency! The committee has been overrun
and must be purged in the name of the Emperor!

This is our opportunity to bring non-heretical dub-scum back to the
Committee and restore order to Imperium of Man! Not submitting nominations

List of things that are HERESY IN THE HIGHEST DEGREE:

   1. Not submitting nominations
   2. Nominating heretics
   3. Being a heretic
   4. Attending rituals run by heretics
   5. Not attending rituals run by the Executive Board
   6. Doubting the consistency of lists made by the Executive Board
   7. Not reading the bottom text

Nominations go here:
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