[AnimeClub] Spring Anime Week 8: Open Operations Committee Elections!!! (oh and Kaiji Week 1 too)

The Anime Club's Mailing List. E-mail anime@stevens.edu if you are interested or have questions. animeclub at lists.stevens.edu
Thu Mar 23 21:39:07 EDT 2017


Now is your chance! Open Operations Committee elections are happening at
this Friday's meeting! In order to be eligible to vote, you need to have
attended 3 of the last 6 Friday meetings, as well as 6 of the last 12
meetings (the majority of people who'd actually care enough to vote should
have this requirement easy). Be sure to come and cast your votes, because
there is no online ballot (please don't email me about this because I'll be

Now then, onto the anime: Kaiji is happening too!

Be sure to show up to club this week at 9PM in B118, cuz it's gonna be lit

No picture this week because I couldn't come up with any jokes that weren't
horribly offensive. It's just one of those days. FYI the guy who writes
these emails (this one included) is James Dimmick and he is running for
open operations. Whatever you do, don't vote for him. He is absolutely
awful. Trust me, I would know.
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