[ConcertBand] Fw: Please Remind Your Students

Gerald Ficeto gficeto at stevens.edu
Thu Apr 23 16:33:16 EDT 2009

Please see below. 
Course assesment survey.
----- Original Message ----- 
From: assesscenter at stevens.edu 
To: Gerald.Ficeto at stevens.edu 
Sent: Thursday, April 23, 2009 2:47 PM
Subject: Please Remind Your Students

Hello Gerald Ficeto,

Please talk to your students in class and/or email them to take their course evaluations. Class time to fill out surveys would be appreciated if possible. 

Below are the email addresses of your students.

Following is the list of Non Respondent Students By Survey :

HMU 491EV Music Perf: Jazz Ensemble S2009
"Andrew Santana" <asantana at stevens.edu>;
"Brian Friebel" <bfriebel at stevens.edu>;
"Brianne Pentz" <bpentz at stevens.edu>;
"David Carlson" <dcarlson at stevens.edu>;
"Glenn Shevach" <gshevach at stevens.edu>;
"Joel Condon" <jcondon at stevens.edu>;
"Joseph Amorosa" <jamorosa at stevens.edu>;
"Joseph Bastelli" <jbastell at stevens.edu>;
"Kimberly Dikovics" <kdikovic at stevens.edu>;
"Kristin Buckley" <kbuckley at stevens.edu>;
"Nicholas Catania" <ncatania at stevens.edu>;
"Nicolas Martinez" <nmartine at stevens.edu>;
"Noriel Valdes" <nvaldes at stevens.edu>;
"Peter Brown" <pbrown1 at stevens.edu>;
"Robert Richard" <rrichar1 at stevens.edu>;
"William Hochkeppel" <whochkep at stevens.edu>;

HMU 490EV Music Perf: Concert Band S2009
"Anthony Osterman" <aosterma at stevens.edu>;
"Arthur Erb" <aerb at stevens.edu>;
"Brian Friebel" <bfriebel at stevens.edu>;
"Brianne Pentz" <bpentz at stevens.edu>;
"Christina Alecci" <calecci at stevens.edu>;
"George Blazeski" <gblazesk at stevens.edu>;
"Glenn Shevach" <gshevach at stevens.edu>;
"Gregory McLeod" <gmcleod at stevens.edu>;
"Jameson Mortimer" <jmortime at stevens.edu>;
"Jamie Brabston" <jbrabsto at stevens.edu>;
"Joseph Amorosa" <jamorosa at stevens.edu>;
"Kristin Buckley" <kbuckley at stevens.edu>;
"Laura Sodon" <lsodon at stevens.edu>;
"Lauren Mayer" <lmayer at stevens.edu>;
"Louis Simons" <lsimons at stevens.edu>;
"Melanie O`Sullivan" <mosulliv at stevens.edu>;
"Melissa Wiegand" <mwiegand at stevens.edu>;
"Michael Bailey" <mbailey1 at stevens.edu>;
"Paula Tavares" <ptavares at stevens.edu>;
"Rajen Dutta" <rdutta at stevens.edu>;
"William Hochkeppel" <whochkep at stevens.edu>;

Students can access their course evaluations at: https://www.stevens.edu/assess and enter their Campus Pipeline (email) 'CPIPE' username and password to login. 

Surveys End May 9th 

If you have any questions please contact Lorence Alacar at ext. 8911

Thank you,
Stevens Education Assessment Center
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