[cs631apue] HW5 questions

Jan Schaumann jschauma at stevens.edu
Sun Dec 4 17:40:54 EST 2011

Simon Sidhom <ssidhom at stevens.edu> wrote:

> I'm not sure if we talked about this in class but I am having a lot of
> trouble getting the NetBSD version of ls to compile on the linux lab. There
> is no util.h and I get a long list of errors from references to functions
> that don't exist. Did you teach us a more practical way of dealing with
> this instead of re-writing all of the missing functions?

You don't have to write any new functions yourself.  Whatever functions
are called that are not available on linux can be replaced with
functionally equivalent calls to existing functions or with minor tweaks
here and there.

> I feel like I'm working too hard for this to be a homework about CVS,
> diff, and patch.

The "porting" of the software is one of the so-called "hidden
requirements", but in this case the changes you'd have to make to have
this version of ls build and function on the linux systems are not very


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