[cs631apue] POST

Chao Cui ccui1 at stevens.edu
Sat Dec 15 17:41:14 EST 2012

(1)When I try:

telnet www.google.com 80


just for test

Google will return a 405 method not allowed response.
What kind of file will allow the POST method except the CGIs?

(2)I have a question about using the CGI script you give us.
When I try to use a POST form to submit data to my server.
I can use a simple C executable file to take the data from the form as the
input and print them out to the client side or to the browser.

But when I use the CGI script you give us, the post.cgi cannot get the post
data I sent by form.
How can I pass the data I got from the form to the post.cgi?
What I have tried is execve("path/to/post.cgi", "postdata I got from form",

2012/12/15 Jan Schaumann <jschauma at stevens.edu>

> cs631apue at lists.stevens.edu
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