[cs631apue] Question about the key

Jan Schaumann jschauma at stevens.edu
Wed Nov 28 15:59:20 EST 2012

tparisi <tparisi at stevens.edu> wrote:

> I was wondering what we should do with a key that is entered that is  
> less than 128 bits.  My thought is that it should not be used as it is  
> not large enough but something could be appended to the end to make it  
> 128 bits.  Since this is not specified in the man page, I do not know  
> what to do.

Let's require exactly 16 hexadecimal characters.  I've udpated the
manual page to reflect this.

> Also, I was wondering if we could use the example code from the man page 
> in our homework since our homework is going to end up being very similar 
> to the man page example.

Yes, you can use example code from the manual pages found on your


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