[cs631apue] Question about the key

Ken Bodzak kbodzak at stevens.edu
Thu Nov 29 02:59:21 EST 2012

Please note that the EVP functions expect you to use a 128 bit key with the
Blowfish algorithm.

I have found that if you do not supply a large enough key to the
EVP_CipherInit_ex() function, it may cause undefined behavior.

unsigned char key[] = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8};  (64 bits)
EVP will attempt to use key[8]->key[15] which are out-of-bounds.

To use a 16 hexadecimal character key, you can append zeros to the key
until it is 128 bits long. This will mimic the behavior of the 'openssl
bf-cbc' command when given a key of 16 hexadecimal characters.

unsigned char key[] = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}; (128 bits)
This should work. From what I have been able to test, this will also
produce the same output of the 'openssl bf-cbc' program when given to small
of a key.

Using too small of a key never actually caused any bad behavior for me, but
doing so will cause valgrind to go crazy about it.

I felt that I should share this because it seems to be poorly documented,
and a bit confusing since we are using a smaller key size.

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