[cs631apue] getbsize(3)

Jan Schaumann jschauma at stevens.edu
Thu Oct 4 13:38:03 EDT 2012

tparisi <tparisi at stevens.edu> wrote:

> The Man page lists getbsize(3) as a function to get the blocksize  
> environment variable. However, it only seems to be available in Unix and  
> is not in the bsd/stdlib.h as the man pages on the internet say that it  
> is.  How can we still use this?

You can't, I'm afraid.  It's unfortunate that Linux does not implement
this function.  Instead, use getenv(3) as you would for any other
environment variable.


P.S.: "Unix" or "unix-like" is a generic term for all of these systems.
In this case there is a distinction between the BSD family of Unix
versions and Linux, but one wouldn't say that it's only "available in
Unix, but not in Linux".

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