[cs631apue] Questions about clean zombie children processes

Jan Schaumann jschauma at stevens.edu
Sat Nov 2 13:33:51 EDT 2013

Hongyi Shen <hshen4 at stevens.edu> wrote:
> Which way does real world server do with this problem?
> If it is #1, when to *signal() *the zombies* *?

The parent process does not _send_ any signals, it _receives_ them.  Ie,
if a child terminates, the parent process will receive SIGCHLD and
should then reap the given child process via one of the wait(2) related

> (I assume that should be each time new process forked, it check whether
> SIGCHLD exist and then handle them)

You can't "check" for signals (unless you explicitly blocked them), you
will simply asynchronously receive them.


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