[cs631apue] lecture preparation

Jan Schaumann jschauma at stevens.edu
Sun Sep 13 20:38:00 EDT 2015


This is a quick reminder that in order to get the most out of this
class, it's best to review the assigned reading both before and after
each lecture.

That is, prior to the lecture, read the chapters noted in the syllabus
that will be covered.  Take note of anything that you might want to seek
clarification on, to ask in class.

After the lecture, review the material, re-read the chapters in the
book, and repeat the exercises from class.  Send any questions to the
mailing list.

When doing the exercises from the lecture, it is best for you to not
simply download the code, but to actually type it yourself.  Performing
this seemingly boring or useless task makes you internalize the library
functions or system calls as well as ingraines the routine practice of
performing proper error checking etc.

See you all tomorrow,

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