[cs631apue] Please

mseaton mseaton at stevens.edu
Sun Oct 9 22:39:04 EDT 2016

Hello Ashley,

Maybe you should be emailing our professor if you have a problem with 
him. You could simply ask him to remove you, or you could remove 
yourself from the list. I am a bit annoyed that we all have to be 
reading about this on the mailing list, no one's grades or other 
important information has appeared on here. I have found this list 
helpful because when we have questions, we all can see because 9 times 
out of 10, most of us will likely have the same question.

I am a teacher also and I sometimes find these new technologies like 
canvas annoying, because it is not easy to use and it puts more of a 
time stain on us. Also schools are always changing from one technology 
to another, causing us to always having to relearn how to do things with 

On 10/09/2016 9:50 PM, Ashley Anastasia Bromiley wrote:
> Another reason that having an email list is way worse than Canvas:
> I dropped this class months ago and I'm still getting updated with
> everyone's problems. This wouldn't be an issue if you just used Canvas; 
> it
> would have taken the people who dropped off automatically. I shouldn't 
> have
> to take the time to go in and unsubscribe from a list I didn't want to 
> be on
> in the first place.
> Thanks
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