[cs631apue] Yet another push error

Jan Schaumann jschauma at stevens.edu
Thu Nov 30 22:19:42 EST 2017

Jason G Ajmo <jajmo at stevens.edu> wrote:
> Nobody has pushed since my last push (which worked), and
> sharedRepository is set to group.

Are you sure that this is set for all accounts and from all systems
where all of you are pushing from?

Remember: the git config settings are local.  If you git push from e.g.
your laptop, and then git push from the development server or another
system, both of those require the sharedRepository setting.

(I've put in a cron job now to 'chmod -R g+w /usr/local/apue' every
minute to help you all avoid this problem, but you should still check
your settings.)


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