[cs631apue] Yet another push error

Jason Ajmo jajmo at stevens.edu
Thu Nov 30 22:21:07 EST 2017

I'm positive. I've pushed from one directory on one system.

Thanks for the cronjob.

On Thu, Nov 30, 2017, 10:19 PM Jan Schaumann <jschauma at stevens.edu> wrote:

> Jason G Ajmo <jajmo at stevens.edu> wrote:
> > Nobody has pushed since my last push (which worked), and
> > sharedRepository is set to group.
> Are you sure that this is set for all accounts and from all systems
> where all of you are pushing from?
> Remember: the git config settings are local.  If you git push from e.g.
> your laptop, and then git push from the development server or another
> system, both of those require the sharedRepository setting.
> (I've put in a cron job now to 'chmod -R g+w /usr/local/apue' every
> minute to help you all avoid this problem, but you should still check
> your settings.)
> -Jan
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Jason Ajmo
Stevens Institute of Technology
B.S. Cybersecurity '17
M.S. Computer Science '18
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