[cs631apue] setting variables in gdb

Jan Schaumann jschauma at stevens.edu
Mon Oct 17 22:54:25 EDT 2022


Here's the correct example of setting a variable using
gdb(1) by example of our simple-ls.c program:


cc -g simple-ls.c
touch file
su root -c "chown 12345 file"
gdb ./a.out
(gdb) break printOwner
(gdb) run .

continue until printOwner is called with "file" as the
argument, then hit 'n' until you are past

pwd = getpwuid(sb.st_uid);

(gdb) p pwd
$1 = (struct passwd *) 0x0
(gdb) call (struct passwd *)getpwnam("root")
$2 = (struct passwd *) 0xfc04120dba58
(gdb) set pwd = $2
(gdb) next

Give it a try!


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