[FAST] Unity - Clothes & Preparation

Ellea Fernando elleamicole at gmail.com
Sun Apr 4 15:02:08 EDT 2010

Hey Everybody!

This is the proper attire for Unity. If your home during the weekend, this
would be a good time to get your costume together and bring them to school,
so you don't have to go back and get it during the week. Also, you should
wear them during the dress rehearsals so you can get used to them while
performing. :)

*Chismosas* (Cianyl, Justine)

   - pink top
   - black pants

*Break Dancers *(Joanne, Kevin Hon)

   - all black


   - white T
   - blue jeans


   - regular school clothes

*The Cultural

   - Cey should have the costumes


   - *Girls:*
      - semi formal dresses (above knee level)
      - heels or flats
      - do not wear blue
   - *Boys:*
      - all wear the same black khaki pants
      - wear a barong

*Everybody Else *(background people)

   - wear everyday school clothes

Have any Questions or Concerns?
Please contact me or Joanne (jpayumo at stevens.edu).

Ellea Fernando
Stevens Institute of Technology
Quantitative Finance 2013
FAST Assistant Production Director
FAST Secretary '10-'11
Cell: (848) 203-1987
Box S-0850
efernan1 at stevens.edu
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