[FAST] Unity - "Dress Rehearsal" Monday

Ellea Fernando elleamicole at gmail.com
Sun Apr 4 15:11:09 EDT 2010

Hey Everybody,

There will be a Unity Dress Rehearsal *Monday *(*April 5*) so we can
practice a clean run through the performance and not spend too long on it on
Thursday. We plan to meet at *2nd Floor Howe *in that lounge area near
Pierce at *7:30PM*. Any changes in location will be announced beforehand.

Also, we will be sending out a new and improved recording of the performance
to everybody. Please listen to it and find the changes.

*Note: *Girls please wear your shoes for the ballroom dance. Butch please
draw on your abs for the "integration" part. Everybody else please wear your
costumes or any props.

Last week to prepare! The big show is on Friday!

Ellea Fernando
Stevens Institute of Technology
Quantitative Finance 2013
FAST Assistant Production Director
FAST Secretary '10-'11
Cell: (848) 203-1987
Box S-0850
efernan1 at stevens.edu
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