[FAST] FIND Conference 2010!

Kristine Du kdu at stevens.edu
Thu Feb 4 18:36:43 EST 2010

Hey all!

We just got more information about FIND Conference!

Where: University of Maryland College Park
When: February 26-28, 2010
Cost: Pre-registration (ending February 15) is $20, On-site (day of)
registration is $30*
*We are waiting on SGA to approve our budget so the $20 registration fee may
be reimbursable.

We leave school on Friday evening and return Sunday afternoon. For all who
don't know what Conference is, Filipino organizations from colleges mostly
in the East Coast area attend and they have speakers and workshops for
students to participate in.
We need to book the hotel rooms by next Wednesday, February 10, so please
let us know if you plan on attending by *Tuesday, February 9*. The price of
the hotel room will most likely be around $15-20 if we get enough people.
Reply to this e-mail if you would like to come with us and we will register
for you! *Please include your e-mail and phone number*. Even if you are a
maybe, just give us a heads up. Also let me know if you can drive.

Thanks! If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask!

Kristine Du
Stevens Institute of Technology
Civil Engineering 2012
FAST Vice President '09-'10
Up 'til Dawn Logistics Chairperson '09-'10
Alpha Phi Omega Secretary 2010
Box S-0601
kdu at stevens.edu
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