[FAST] Miss Philippines Nominations are now OPEN!

Cerille Avetria avetria.cey at gmail.com
Sun Nov 20 20:38:49 EST 2011

*waaaasguud FAST?!*

*D3 *is hosting their annual *Miss Philippines *pageant* Saturday January
We're looking for one of the lovely ladies of FAST to represent us. *We are
now taking nominations, please **send them to fast at stevens.edu*
We will close nominations on *Monday November 27th*, and we'll vote for our
representative at our GBM that night.

*HERE are the Contestant Qualifications:*

   1. *Contestant must be of Filipino descent.*
   2. *Contestant must represent a Filipino Organization from D3.*
   3. *Contestant agrees that the time, manner and method of conducting and
   judging the contest shall be the sole discretion of the pageant's host
   organization and that the decision of the judges shall be final.*
   4. *Contestant agrees that any conflict of interest with a judge that is
   not brought to the attention of the pageant's host organization before the
   day of the pageant can result in one's disqualification.*
   5. *Contestant must be present for mandatory rehearsals (see dates

*Contestants will be judged on:*

*1. Evening Wear*
*2. Cultural Wear (2 minute maximum)*
*3. Talent (4 minute maximum)*
*4. Q&A for Top 5*

*Important Dates to Remember*
*12/9*- Fees, pre-sale tickets due. Contestant info due (Include Picture,
Name, School, Org, Major, and Bio (max 150 words)
*12/23*- Talents due- include description, music files, and equipment
*1/7*- Photoshoot/Dance Practice
*1/14*- Photoshoot/Dance Practice
*1/21*- Rehearsal!

Remember to e-mail us nominees *before November 27th*! Also for those
nominated, please have a short speech prepared for the next GBM. THANK YOU!


*Cerille Avetria*
Stevens Institute of Technology
Engineering Management 2014
FAST President '11-'12
Cell: (551) 208-5391
cavetria at stevens.edu
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